Reduce the average child number (TFR) of every woman to 2. Upgradation of Family Planning System (CPR) to 75% Upgradation of long term family planning system (LARC) to 20% Reduce the rate of birth of 15-19 year old mother to 25%. Unimplemented demand (U NMET NEED) (wants to take a child or delay, but does not use any method) reduces the rate by 10%. Decrease rate of 20% reduction in dropout (leave the procedure before the completion of 12 months). Maternal mortality rate (MMR) is reduced by 1.21 per thousand (2030 per million to 70).
Promotion of pregnancy services (ANC) (at least 4 visits) to 50%. By providing skilled service providers (SBA) delivery rate to 65%. The proportion of institutional delivery between the poor and the wealthy is reduced to 1: 3.50. Upgradation of Postnatal Service (PNC) by the skilled servicer (Prasabe 2 day) to 10%. Reduction of newborn death rate (NMR) to 18 people per thousand.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS